Sunday 28 September 2014

Educating the East End

This is a follow up series based on a school in London. Watch episode 3 and complete the exercises below. You must copy these into a Word document. Remember to save your work and to include today´s date:

·         What do you think makes a great Head Boy or Head Girl?

·         Malaika is described as a ´rough diamond´. Explain what this means, use examples from the episode.

·         This espisode concentrates on several different pupils. What do you learn about these pupils? You must use quotes from the episode to prove your point. These quotes can be what they say, what the teachers say, what the narrator says…

What do you learn from the teachers?
What do you learn from the other students?
What do you think about their Head Boy/Girl potential? Explain your answers in detail.





·         Why were the teachers dressed in Fancy Dress?
·         Why do you think Malaika´s behavior deteriorated at school?
·         Who would you have voted for and why?

·         Would you like to be Head Boy/ Head Girl in this school? Explain your answer.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Focus on an episode

Character and storyline

1) Watch one of the other episodes of Educating Essex (2-7) and focus on one character or storyline.

Write a short description of what happens (200 words approx - 5 short paragraphs) with at least 5 images from the show taken using screen captures.


  • What happens in this part of the show
  • Who is involved
  • What the viewer might think about this part
  • The different camera angles used to tell the story
  • Whether you think that it's ethical to film or broadcast this part of the show
  • Your own personal opinion of this storyline

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Testing vocabulary: the process...

Mr Sellick´s expectations for Vocabulary tests in 2014/2015
StudyBlue // HeadMagnet // Quizlet
Link on our blog therefore we have school + home access
After consolidating knowledgethere will be a test
Date will usually be given
For example...
12 marks available
11/12 marks = positive comment on Campus

Less than 6 = negative comment on Campus

Friday 12 September 2014

Understanding what we´re listening to...

Watch the opening 10 minutes, and think about the vocabulary below:


What does this refer to?
          Clear off scumbags!
A teacher says this in the opening credits to dismiss his class. He is joking because ‘scumbags’ is a derogatory term but the pupils don’t mind. This suggests they have a good relationship.
       Their headteacher has grand ambitions.

       The mantra that we use is…

       That’s easier said than done.

      …without a shadow of a doubt.

      This little sergeant major character is what he is… who is ‘uber-focused’ on everything…

     There is no reason for you to wear that dead animal.

       … I will restrain you!

       I give you credit for your ingenuity.

      …is often the last resort…

      …that’s what does my head in.

      A lot of young people struggle with the concept of boundaries.

How the film-makers create a narrative:
     Which characters are developed?
     Which storylines have the producers chosen?
     How are the teachers and pupils portrayed?

Use of non-diagetic sound compared to diagetic sound:
       Why is non-diagetic sound used?
       Do you notice anything else about how the programme is made or put together and edited?

       Is it 100% realistic?
      Are there any ethical concerns about the programme?

Vocabulary or expressions           
Make a note of any new words or good vocab

Understanding what we´ve read...

TASK: It is important that we are able to follow an argument... 

Comprehension questions on 'What sort of example is this to set our children?'
1) How does this article present the teachers in ´Educating Essex´? You must use your OWN words AND a quotation from the text to prove your answer.
2) How are the pupils from this school presented in this article? You must use your OWN words AND a quotation from the text to prove your answer.
3) According to the text, what are the problems with putting cameras in classrooms?
4) Find an adjective that means ´in a bad/unattractive/uncomplimentary way´
5) Find an adjective that means ´not serious or jokey´
6) Find a verb that means ´to mess around/to not take things seriously´

Comprehension questions on: 'Is Educating Essex a realistic view of classroom life?'

1Do the pupils´views differ from the teachers´view about the program? If so, in what way.
2) What did Claire Marsh find disappointing? In your own words.
3) What did James Diggory find disappointing?
4) Find an adjective that means ´positive´ (used to describe a teacher)

5) Find an informal word for ´people who talk a lot and are loud

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Educating Essex - What´s it all about?

We are going to watch and study a British documentary called 'Educating Essex'. Here are 2 news articles about it. For each article:

  1. Read the article(s) below
  2. Pick 10 words you don't know from each article
  3. Using either study blue, headmagnet or quizlet make your own vocabulary list using your 20 new words. Think carefully about your list, you could use Spanish words, English definitions, synonyms,...
  4. Learn the words using your online resource

Sellick´s Advice: 
To speed the process up, why not use Lingro - This page allows you to find instant definitions for the words that you do not know. (The quick link is at the top of the blog page for use throughout this year!)

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome to Year 10...

Welcome to our class blog for the year 2014/2015.

This will be the place to find all resources and tasks for this year.

Let´s Go!

Mr Sellick